Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Two Fun Filled Days in a Row

Today we went in for our weekly NST...typically a 30-60 minute test. Turns out I was having pretty good contractions. I had been feeling them for a few days but thought they were nothing more than Braxton Hicks. I was wrong.

They gave me a shot to stop the contractions. It slowed them, but didn't stop they gave me another. Finally - 4 hours later the contractions had stopped and we were able to go.

They said if I was two weeks further along they wouldn't stop labor, but we are just too early right now. They did check me though and I was only dialted 1. I'm supposed to call if I have more than 5 in an hour. I've had a couple tonight, but not 5.

1 comment:

Alison said...

WOW - that is exciting!! Calm down Baby Harris... you only have to wait a few weeks!! :)